UltraPro – Pass The Pandas
- Be the first to get rid of all of your dice to win the game! – Fast-paced and competitive, players race to empty their hand of dice in this thrilling, luck-based game.
- Roll pandas and you can pass those dice to the other players – Rolling pandas allows you to hand off dice, making it a strategic move to outplay your opponents and keep the game exciting.
- Roll water and it evaporates from the game – Rolling water removes those dice from the game entirely, adding an element of surprise and shifting the balance of play.
- You need to roll at least as much bamboo as the previous player, otherwise, you have to take some of theirs – Challenge your opponents by matching or exceeding their bamboo rolls, or face the consequence of adding their dice to your pile.
- The Fast & Fun Dice Game that’s pure Panda-monium! – This lighthearted and chaotic dice game is packed with fun for all ages, making it perfect for family game nights or casual